Because you may not believe this assertion I have prepared a short list of evidence-based arguments which should dissuade even the most ardent of critics.
1. My headlining player number 54 is better, within the confines of the sport's comparative statistical datasets, than is your comparable headlining player number 23. He is stronger, faster, better capable of handling the item being propelled up and down the gaming boundary, appeals to a wider audience of sports-goers, enjoys a greater number of commercial sponsorships, has a larger pool of female admirers and fewer sexually transmitted diseases than does your player.
2. The coach of my preferred sports team has a better record of motivating his players to more successfully propel the subject of the sports game up and down the gaming boundary, than does your coach, such that my team is better at scoring points than your team is. Additionally, the coach of my preferred sports team enjoys a greater level of esteem, charisma and recruitment capital than does your coach. Which enables him to enlist far more proficient players of the sport than the coach of your team is capable of enlisting. Lastly, the coach of my preferred sports team has greater mental faculties, reasoning skills and strategic powers than the coach of your preferred sports team does. This makes him better at formulating a plan of attack that optimizes the skill-sets of his players, which results in better overall performance on the scoreboard than your coach.
3. The home venue of my preferred sports team is superior to the venue where your preferred sports team is based. This venue accommodates a greater number of spectators, has better seating, and contracts with more appealing vendors than does the venue where your preferred sports is based. The venue where my preferred sports is based is more convenient to police, fire and other emergency services and is in closer proximity to major highways and public transportation than does your venue. It is also closer to finer restaurants than is your venue. And of course the home field advantage enjoyed by my team's venue is more beneficial to my team's performance, than is the benefit reaped by your team playing in their home venue.
4. My preferred team's logo is superior to your team's logo. It enjoys greater brand recognition, and brand loyalty than does your logo. It is more creatively designed and is more aesthetically pleasing than is the logo of your preferred sports team. The logo for my preferred sports team is more likely to sell T-Shirts and hats than is the logo your team uses.
5. The mascot of my preferred sports team is better than the mascot of your preferred sports team. It is more sensible and offends fewer groups of people. My mascot inspires 40-50% more interest in halftime festivities than does the mascot for your team. My team's mascot is cuter and cuddlier than is your team's mascot. My team's mascot's anthropomorphization was better realized by its designers and seamstresses than was the anthropomorphization of your team's mascot by those who your team's management employed to design and sew the costume.
and finally...
6. The notoriety in poplular media of my preferred sports team is greater and more commercially viable than is the notoriety in popular media of your preferred sports team. My team has been mentioned more times on Perry Mason, Happy Days, Taxi, Whose The Boss, Seinfeld, 30 Rock and The Today Show than your team has over the years. Additionally my preferred team has had more songs by The Beatles, the Boss and Bananarama devoted to them than your preferred team has had.
As you can see, this constitutes a strong argument for the adoption of a broad-based opinion that my team is better than your team.
And lastly, Suck It! That is all.