Await Our Wrath

Await Our Wrath

Monday, October 20, 2008

Press Release: House of Cards CMMGC

The Security Multinational Enforcement Group & Mahjong Authority has created a most wanted list of CMMGC's leaders, lackeys and sycophants. Each member of our quorum is identified using one of 52 cards. Bertrand is number one of this most wanted list, represented here as Marlin 1 (which everyone agrees is the highest ranking card in the Go Fish deck). Below is the official press release from SMEGMA relative to Bertrand's crimes:

Bertrand James Tiberias Steele (AKA Marco Sassy, AKA Mark Sass, AKA Glenn "The Igloo" Camerose, AKA Don Fertangelo) has been classified by SMEGMA as public enemy number one. His crimes include, trying to create a moon base without a permit, money laundering, copyright infringement, drug offences, mail fraud, racketeering, homicide, matricide, patricide, fratricide, catricide (Buttons the cat), international intrigue, espionage, spying, piracy, space piracy, mattress label removal, treason, sedition, and improper lane change (a moving violation). The public is alerted to not confront Bertand he is considered armed and hilarious. Please report all sightings of this criminal to your consulate, local constabulary or nearest prefecture. As always constant vigilance is the key. Please play mahjong.

As you can see men this is nothing more than propaganda from the liberty loving swine to decry our organization. If you are approached by the media in response to this dispatch, see that interview requests are sent through the chain of command to your local PR representative. They carry an assortment of undetectable poisons effective in dealing with your garden variety reporters.


Training Course: Getting to Know Your Suppressed Sub-Machine Gun April 12-30 on the B Concourse, room 4

Dominoes Tournament May 10-12th

World-Wide Broadcast: False Flag a Practical Guide with guest hostage Henry Kisssinger

This Year's Agenda:

  • Perpetuate Aims though subterfuge and political intrigue.
  • Learn Spanish